Sllavka Kurti
Petrit Dollani
Fatjola Lubonja

Faculty of Economy, University of Tirana, Tirana, Albania
Albanian Road Authority. PhD Candidate, Agricultural University of Tirana, Faculty of Economy and Agriculture, Tirane, Albania

2nd International Scientific Conference on Recent Advances in Information Technology, Tourism, Economics, Management and Agriculture – ITEMA 2018 – Graz, Austria, November 8, 2018, CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS published by the Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans, Belgrade, Serbia; ISBN 978-86-80194-13-4


The organization in its simplified sense is a group of individuals who interact and collaborate to achieve common goals. From this point of view, organizations are primarily communication entities [6]. Effective communication is the cornerstone of the existence of any organization regardless of size, ownership or legal form. Trying to meet its objectives, it is essential for the organization to develop effective communication systems. Without effective communication, managers will not be able to perform properly any of the managerial functions (planning, organizing, guiding, motivating or controlling their employees). Put simply, communication is the component that enables the existence of the organization itself.

Various research has been carried out about the importance of effective organizational communication, aiming not only on identifying the positive relationship with satisfaction, confidence, engagement [4], motivation of the employees and further to the success of the organization, but also warning and making aware managers in addressing obstacles to the implementation of an effective communication system. Therefore, different scholars suggest that organizations constantly should carry out audits to evaluate the effectiveness of internal communication and to verify whether it is timely, correct, and accurate, as appropriate.

Following studies of the importance of effective organizational communication, this paper, through the primary quest for quantitative data, is intended to go further by focusing on perceptions of employees regarding the effectiveness of internal organizational communication. The paper begins with a brief and concentrated review of the literature on the importance of organizational communication effectiveness, to go further with the quantitative data analysis, collected through questionnaires to different employees from the private sector. The main objective of the paper is to assess whether employee demographic factors, such as gender, age, and years of work experience, have an impact on their perceptions of effective communication in the organization, by focusing on effective communication channels used in the organization, as well as the barriers that potentially hinder the realization of effective communication. In this way, the results of this study aim to make managers aware not only of monitoring the effectiveness of communication in the organization, but also to be able to tailor channels and address the obstacles to implement a system of effective communication, regarding the demographic characteristics of their staff.

Key words

effective organizational communication, demographic factors, barriers, channels


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