Sandra Lovrenčić
Martina Šestak
Kornelije Rabuzin
Faculty of organization and informatics, University of Zagreb, Varaždin, Croatia

2nd International Scientific Conference on Recent Advances in Information Technology, Tourism, Economics, Management and Agriculture – ITEMA 2018 – Graz, Austria, November 8, 2018, CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS published by the Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans, Belgrade, Serbia; ISBN 978-86-80194-13-4

Big data is a well-known area of research due to many challenges, which are constantly appearing. Although specifically big data analytics has been prominently in the focus of interest, big data management as a whole should be guided properly, so that as much information and knowledge as possible can be obtained from data for their intended purpose. There are many proposed solutions that are trying to resolve various issues that arose with big data, for example weak processing capability of traditional systems, such as relational databases, to efficiently manage them. New technologies that are trying to cope with various unstructured or structured forms of data are also being researched, Hadoop and NoSQL databases being some of them. Big data challenges are also connected with requirements in the domain of their usage, such as business and commerce, healthcare, public sector, education, or scientific research. This paper examines current research of big data management, especially according to its various domains of application. It gives an insight into applications of big data in various domains of different background (business, government, etc.), followed by a discussion on issues and challenges in its application, as well as mechanisms developed to resolve them. Additionally, this paper discusses the benefits and values of using big data solutions in selected domains. The contribution of the paper is also an overview of big data associated differences and similarities among domains that are most researched in the context of this area of interest.
Key words
Big data, big data management, domain of application, big data analytics, big data challenges

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