Ilda Kadrimi (Blaceri)

Lecturer, Albanian University, Albania

2nd International Scientific Conference on Recent Advances in Information Technology, Tourism, Economics, Management and Agriculture – ITEMA 2018 – Graz, Austria, November 8, 2018, CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS published by the Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans, Belgrade, Serbia; ISBN 978-86-80194-13-4


Micro-units are one of the main forms of business organization in the world and in Albania. Undertaking policies to reduce informality and tax evasion is a direct benefit to the Albanian economy in the context of the importance and contribution that these entities bring to the state budget. Micro-units currently have a simplified reporting framework under SKK 15 and are implemented in the framework of the approximation of Albanian legislation with that of the European Union. The accounting reporting of these units is not seen as a driving force for informality or fiscal evasion. On the other hand, in terms of fiscal reporting and existing fiscal laws, there is an opportunity to improve them as a way to reduce fiscal evasion and informality of micro-units. This conclusion comes in the context of the case study which deals with the legal vacuum in the law of VAT that brings inequality against taxpayers. Its elimination is argued by undertaking the policy of removing the exclusion threshold for annual turnover in the trade sector, as the questionnaire also finds the biggest problems in the sector. The key recommendations are needed to be directly implemented in the law on VAT and at the same time to adopt an action strategy to eliminate the negative effects that bring the main factor in promoting fiscal informality and evasion, which is the tendency for non-disclosure of the real financial situation as a way to pay less taxes. Taking these two recommendations would also have an indirect effect on reducing national informality and tax evasion.

Key words

Business, accounting reporting, fiscal reporting, informality, tax evasion


  1. Allingham, M. G. and A. Sandmo (1972). – ‘Income Tax evasion: A Theoretical Analysis’, Journal of Public Economics, Vol.1, p.323-38,
  2. Collis, J. and R. Jarvis (2000). How owner-managers use accounts, Centre for Business Performance, ICAEW. London: IFRS Foundation Publications Department.
  3. Creswell, J. W. (2008) Educational research: Planning, conductingand evaluatin qualitative and quantitative research (3rd edition)
  4. Dhamo. S (2014 )Kontabiliteti financiar
  5. Demartini, P. (2005). Accounting harmonization for European small businesses. Quaderni di Economia Aziendale (Working Papers), Urbino University, Italy.
  6. European Parliament & Council of the European Union. (2012). Directive 2012/6/EU of the European parliament
  7. European Parliament & Council of the European Union. (2013). Directive 2013/34/EU of the European parliament
  8. Eurofast (2015), Croatia tax card, Serbia tax card, Montenegro tax card, Romania tax card, Macedonia tax card retrieved from
  9. Gary Becker (1968). “Crime and Punishment: An Economic Approach” – The Journal of Political Economy76: p. 169–217


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