Miroslav Andonovski
Karolina Shukuroska
Marija Midovska Petkoska

University “Ss. KlimentOhridski”–Bitola, Faculty of economics-Prilep, Macedonia
Ministry of finance, Property and Legal Affairs Office, Regional office for carrying out first-instance procedure – Prilep, Macedonia
University “Ss. Kliment Ohridski”–Bitola, Faculty of economics-Prilep, Macedonia

2nd International Scientific Conference on Recent Advances in Information Technology, Tourism, Economics, Management and Agriculture – ITEMA 2018 – Graz, Austria, November 8, 2018, CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS published by the Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans, Belgrade, Serbia; ISBN 978-86-80194-13-4


The term intellectual property indicates special specific rights that have the authors, inventors and other holders of intellectual property rights. Intellectual property is not specifically material property over an object; it is a right that is a set of authorizations that the legal system of the state recognizes to the holders of intellectual property rights.

The revolution in information technology and the increasing number of inventors, the impact and significance of innovation along with globalization, will bring intellectual property at the centre of attention. Sometimes a subsidiary area, but today it is an important factor in the strategic planning of companies and also a key factor in any state policy.

New products in the markets attract consumers. They are also in the hit by competition who wants to make an identical or similar product. This can be done in various ways: using economies of scale, expanding access to markets, accessing cheaper raw materials, etc. All this is in order to make the same or similar products at a lower price and make pressure on the inventor of the original product or service. Such circumstances may lead to the downfall of the inventor’s business of the original product because he has made significant investments in the creation and development of the new product, and competitors only use the results of such creativity and / or inventiveness.

That is why especially small and medium-sized enterprises have to think to protect their creative and innovative work through the intellectual property system. The system for protection of intellectual property rights provides exclusive rights in the use of inventions, designs, brands, literary and artistic works. Through the system of intellectual property protection and the provision of ownership of a particular invention or creative work, the possibility of copying and imitating innovative works by the competition is limited in an effective manner. We will try to prove it by elaborating the types of protection of the intellectual property from the aspect of the subject of protection, that is the protection of copyright and related rights and the protection of inventions-patents.

Key words

 intellectual property, rights, protection, patent


[1] Slobodan.M.Marković, Pravo intelektualne svojine i informacijsko društvo, Sluzbeni glasnik 2014, str.275
[2] Vesna Bisasarović, Intelektualna svojina, Pravni fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, 2011, p.31.
[3] Bineley.M.Intellectual Property Rights, a Strategy of Developing Nations, Toronto, 1991 p.5
[4] Katarina Damjanović i Vladimir Marić, Inetektualna svojina, Pravni fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, Sluzbeni glasnik, Beograd, 2012, p.39.
[5] Slobodan.M.Marković, Pravo intelektualne svojine i informacijsko društvo, Sluzbeni glasnik 2014, str. 114.
[6] Precisely, the economic sense, the benefit, the profit, is at the core of the protection of intellectual property rights. If there is no economic benefit from the copyright work, which is the meaning of his protection. Of course, here we neglect the moral moment in the protection of rights.
[7] Vesna Bisarović, Intelektualna svojina, Pravni fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, 2011, p. 53-54
[8] Bern Convention on the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works, 1886.
[9] The Univesal Copyright Convention, 1952
[10] Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement, 2007.
[11] Vesna Bisarović, Intelektualna svojina, industrijska svojina i autorsko pravo, Pravni fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, Centar za izdavaštvo i informisanje, Beograd 2011, p.66
[12] A. Veron, Law of Industrial Property, Zagreb, 1979, p.68


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