Zoltán Bártfai
László Tóth
István Szalkai

Szent István University, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, 2100 Gödöllő, Páter K. u.1 Hungary

2nd International Scientific Conference on Recent Advances in Information Technology, Tourism, Economics, Management and Agriculture – ITEMA 2018 – Graz, Austria, November 8, 2018, CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS published by the Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans, Belgrade, Serbia; ISBN 978-86-80194-13-4


Feeding of the reactors becomes one of the most important part in managing a Biogas plant, because it is a critical factor for the stable biogas production.

This article overviews all the experiences we could gain from a research work performed in a biogas plant, aiming the improvement of the applied technology, focusing on the solid input material crushing process.

The intensive abrasion causes serious problem in the hammer crusher, and because of this, breakdowns, operational failure, and economic damage can appear in the biogas plants quite often. Hammers wore rapidly causing inappropriate chopping. If the crushing is not effective, the fibrous material reduces the mixing efficiency that causes less gas production.

Within the frame of the research, we worked out the applicable technology for improving the abrasion resistance of the hummers of the crusher that caused improved reliability for not only the equipment, but the whole biogas plant as well.

Key words

renewable energy production, biogas technology, circular economy, adequate repairing technology, plant management


  1. Korzenszky K- Petróczki: Energy and Quality Performance Investigation of Hammer Mill, MECHANICAL ENGINEERING LETTERS: R AND D: RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT 3: pp. 65-72. (2009)
  2. Tóth L., Beke J., Bártfai Z., Szabó I., Hartdégen G.:Technikai, technológiai jellemzők a vegyes anyagokat felhasználó biogáz üzemekben
    Mezőgazdasági Technika, 2014/11.
  3. Tóth-J.Beke-Z. Bártfai- I. Szabó-I. Oldal-L. Kátai: Critical technology factors of biogas plants using mixed materials
    6th International Conference on Biosystems Engineering 2015, Tartu, Észtország
  4. Bártfai Z– Tóth L– Oldal I– Szabó I– Beke J– Schrempf N: A keverés modellezése a vegyes anyagokat felhasználó biogáz üzemben
    Mezőgazdasági technika, 2015/8
  5. Hajdú J., Magó L.: (2006) The Possibilities of Use of the Biomass in Hungary, Proceedings of the 34th Inter-national Symposium “Actual Tasks on Agricultural Engineering”, Opatija, Croatia, 21-24. February 2006. Proc. p. 111-120.


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