Arabela Briciu – Transilvania University of Brașov, Faculty of Sociology and Communication, Department of Social Sciences and Comunication, Eroilor Blvd., no. 25, Brasov City, Brasov County, Romania

Victor-Alexandru Briciu – Transilvania University of Brașov, Faculty of Sociology and Communication, Department of Social Sciences and Comunication, Eroilor Blvd., no. 25, Brasov City, Brasov County, Romania,

Andrea-Eniko Csiki – M.A. Student in Human Resources Management and Development, Transilvania University of Brașov, Romania




4th International Scientific Conference on Recent Advances in Information Technology, Tourism, Economics, Management and Agriculture – ITEMA 2020, Online/virtual, October 8, 2020, SELECTED PAPERS published by the Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans, Belgrade; Printed by: SKRIPTA International, Belgrade, ISBN 978-86-80194-37-0, ISSN 2683-5991, DOI:




This paper addresses some initial scientific points of view about the new topic regarding the Coronavirus influence known until now and the objective is to reveal some unexpected consequences of the virus for tourism. The research aims to present the impact that the virus had on travel blogs from Romania. Because the tourism sector has been and still is affected due to this virus we decided to analyse travel blogs from a comparative perspective, more precisely, the articles posted in 2019, in March-May, and those of this year. The novelty element that the paper brings is represented by the impact of the virus determined on the content generated by travel bloggers, and in Romanian research, there is a small number of such studies, focused on travel blogs.



Travel, Tourism, Virus, Impact, Consequences, Opportunities, Blogs.


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