Serjoza Markov – Law Company Cukic & Markov, 33A-01 Aminta Treti str., 1000 Skopje, Republic of North Macedonia




4th International Scientific Conference on Recent Advances in Information Technology, Tourism, Economics, Management and Agriculture – ITEMA 2020, Online/virtual, October 8, 2020, CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS published by the Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans, Belgrade; Printed by: SKRIPTA International, Belgrade, ISBN 978-86-80194-36-3, ISSN 2683-5991, DOI:




First and foremost, the main inspiration for the specific problematics in this paper is solar energy as clean and profitable energy for businesses in the Republic of North Macedonia.
The question that arises as the basis is finding the reason why the progress in the sector of renewable energy sources in this country is still slow and insufficient.
The results and conclusions of the research shall be achieved via comprehensive analysis, and by finding the answer to the posed question through the: theoretical analysis, the inductive and deductive methods, as well as description shall be used, whereas the techniques utilized shall be questionnaires, interviews, observations.
By summarizing in one place all the theoretical and empirical aspects, we are finding the answer to the main question asked: One of the possible reasons for this actual situation is the fact that so far there is no possibility in this country for individuals to be involved in the process of production and transmission of electricity in the energy system.
The goal is achieved in this paper through providing specific guidelines and suggestions regarding the improvement of the legal framework in the Republic of North Macedonia, emphasizing on benefits if the households are allowed to deliver their produced solar energy and considering the possible ways to remove the determined obstacles for implementing this idea.



Electricity, Solar energy, Republic of North Macedonia.



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Law on energy ‘Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia’ No.96/2018, 96/2019

Grid measurement in the Republic of Macedonia, possibilities, perspectives, examples-how to cleaner energy?“ by Sonja Risteska, Analytica Think Tank, February, 2017

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SEE SEP, Southeast Europe: The Road to EU or the Road to nowhere? Energy plan for 2050: Technical analysis, 33
SEE SEP, Southeast Europe: The Road to EU or the Road to nowhere? Energy plan for 2050: Technical analysis, 52
Grid measurement in the Republic of Macedonia, possibilities, perspectives, examples-how to cleaner energy?“ by Sonja Risteska, Analytica Think Tank, February, 2017, 33,34


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