Milan Pavlović – Academy of Technical and Art Applied Studies Belgrade (ATUSS) – Department ICT College for vocational studies, Zdravka Čelara, 16, 11000, Belgrade, Republic of Serbia

Marija Zajeganović – Academy of Technical and Art Applied Studies Belgrade (ATUSS) – Department ICT College for vocational studies, Zdravka Čelara, 16, 11000, Belgrade, Republic of Serbia

Milan Milivojević – Academy of Technical and Art Applied Studies Belgrade (ATUSS) – Department ICT College for vocational studies, Zdravka Čelara, 16, 11000, Belgrade, Republic of Serbia

Next-generation firewall;
Network security;



Abstract: The primary function of any firewall is to assist in protecting against unwanted or malicious traffic entering or leaving a network. How­ever, as threats evolve and become increasingly challenging to detect, net­work security must remain equally sophisticated. In addition to access control, Next-Generation Firewalls can block modern threats such as advanced mal­ware and application-layer attacks. This paper will present the fundamen­tal characteristics of Next-Generation Firewalls and their implementation in modern networks, particularly their use in IoT. First, the concept of Next-Gen­eration Firewalls will be explained, highlighting significant improvements they have over previous generations of firewalls, and the reasons for imple­menting them. Next, the authors will provide an overview of Next-Generation Firewall architectures. Special attention will be given to the use of Next-Gen­eration Firewalls in the context of IoT.

7th International Scientific Conference on Recent Advances in Information Technology, Tourism, Economics, Management and Agriculture – ITEMA 2023 – Conference Proceedings, Hybrid (Faculty of Organization and Informatics Varaždin, University of Zagreb, Croatia), October 26, 2023

ITEMA Conference Proceedings published by: Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans – Belgrade, Serbia

ITEMA conference partners: Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Maribor, Slovenia; Faculty of Organization and Informatics, University of Zagreb, Varaždin; Faculty of Geography, University of Belgrade, Serbia; Institute of Marketing, Poznan University of Economics and Business, Poland; Faculty of Agriculture, Banat’s University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine ”King Michael I of Romania”, Romania

ITEMA Conference 2023 Conference Proceedings: ISBN 978-86-80194-75-2, ISSN 2683-5991, DOI:

Creative Commons Non Commercial CC BY-NC: This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial 4.0 License ( which permits non-commercial use, reproduction and distribution of the work without further permission.

Suggested citation
Pavlović, M., Zajeganović, M., & Milivojević, M. (2023). Implementation of Next-Generation Firewalls in Modern Networks. In V. Bevanda (Ed.), International Scientific Conference ITEMA 2023: Vol 7. Conference Proceedings (pp. 19-28). Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans.


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