Mancia Mircea-Sebastian
Mancia Aurora
University of Oradea, Faculty of Construction, Cadastre and Architecture, Oradea, 4 B.St. Delavrancea, 410058, Bihor, Romania
The European land market is undergoing continuous transformation. Every European state is trying to protect its capital, this vital resource that may depend at one point even on the sovereignty of a state. Sustainable development of a country means protecting the environment, water, air, soil, biodiversity in the context of today’s explosive economic growth. Romania is among the European countries with fertile, productive land. Local agriculture must develop production models where land management does not lead to overexploitation until depletion. The exponential growth of the earth’s population leads to a growing demand for food, agricultural products. Agricultural land represents a limited resource that ensures food security. One of the main objectives of sustainable development – considering the geopolitical areas and European policy for protecting specific areas – is to put to good use the economic potential of the regions in an increasingly globalized economy.
Key words
sustainable development, land market, agricultural land, overexploitation, global economy
- Raport Comisia pentru Agricultură a U.E. (2015).
- Direcţii Judeţene pentru Agricultură – tranzacţionări terenuri agricole.
- Raport Transnaţional Institute Amsterdam (2015).
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- Anuarul Statistic al României (2016).
- World Bank Development Indicators (2015).
- Revista „Capital”, aug. 2017.
- Eurostat – date statistice (2016).
- Black Sea Agriculture – terenuri agricole (2016).