9th International Scientific Conference on IT, Tourism, Economics, Management and Agriculture
ITEMA 2025Milano, Italy
November 6, 2025 (in person, online and virtually)
The purpose of the annual ITEMA conference is to support the power of scientific research and dissemination of the research results with the objective to enhance society by advancing knowledge, policy-making, lives, and ultimately, the world. Our objective is to continue to be the foremost annual conference on cutting-edge theory and practice of information technology, tourism, economics, management, and agriculture; encouraging advancement via excellence, and interaction.
Conference Day
Preliminary conference proceedings content of the ITEMA 2024 conference
More than 230 authors will give their contribution to the conference with 127 abstracts/papers from 25 different countries:
- Albania
- Austria
- Azerbaijan
- Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Botswana
- Bulgaria
- Cameroon
- Croatia
- Czechia
- Ethiopia
- Greece
- Hungary
- India
- Italy
- Montenegro
- North Macedonia
- Portugal
- Romania
- Serbia
- Slovakia
- Slovenia
- South Africa
- Spain
- Türkiye
- United Arab Emirates
ITEMA 2024 Conference Day
All accepted full papers for the ITEMA International Scientific Conference will be placed in the ITEMA Conference Proceedings Pre-draft. Afterwards there will be three circles of full papers’ selection from the ITEMA Conference Proceedings pre-draft:
1st Circle – Selected papers will be published in the publication titled: ITEMA 2024 Selected Papers – the 8th Conference on IT, Tourism, Economics, Management and Agriculture (ISSN 2683-5991, ISBN and DOI numbers will be assigned). This publication will be submitted to indexation and / or publication and / or the listing at the Clarivate Web of Science (WoS) Conference Proceedings Citation Index, Scopus, EBSCO, CiteSeerX, ERA, ProQuest, Google Books, Google Scholar database and so on.
2nd Circle – Extended and improved versions of the selected papers will be published in a monograph as book chapters. There will be an additional independent peer review process.
3rd Circle – Extended and improved versions of the selected papers will be published in highly esteemed partner journals published in different countries by different faculties and universities.
If the full paper is being published in one of the above named publications from the three circles, its abstract will be published in the ITEMA 2024 Book of Abstracts (ISSN 2683-5991, ISBN will be assigned).
Other, non-selected full papers, but accepted for the conference, will be published in the ITEMA 2024 Conference Proceedings (ISSN 2683-5991, ISBN and DOI numbers will be assigned).
Full paper and abstract publication does not require an onsite, online, or virtual presentation.
Certificate of presentation/attendance will be sent by e-mail to all registered authors after the conference.
The official language of the ITEMA 2024 conference is English. Papers may be written and presented in English.
In order to avoid high commission of money transfer by bank wire transfer which may go up to 35% of the transferred amount, participants may pay the conference registration fee via PayPal (5% commission).
All received papers prior peer review process will be subject to plagiarism check with iThenticate by Turnitin software. Afterward, papers will be peer-reviewed by reviewers drawn from the scientific committee or external reviewers depending on the topic, title and subject matter of the paper.
Selection of papers which will be presented at the conference day will be based upon quality, originality, and relevance.
Publication of one abstract/paper prior requires payment of one registration fee, regardless of the number of authors (is there one author or two/three co-authors).

Presentation mode for 9th ITEMA Conference
There are three options: on-spot presentation, virtual presentation, and online (live presentation).
1. On-spot presentation in Milano, Italy. Each presenter will have 7 minutes for the presentation and 3 minutes for Q&A.
2. Virtual presentation: Participants who would like to join us via virtual presentation should email us their “voice-over PowerPoint” presentation narrated in English in a duration of max 7 minutes.
3. Online (live presentation): Participants who would like to join us via online (live) presentation will be able to present their papers live. Each presenter will have 7 minutes for the presentation and 3 minutes for Q&A.
Details about these options (software, submission deadline of “voice over PowerPoint” presentation, etc.) will be provided to participants after abstract submission.
ITEMA in numbers
ITEMA Conference partner institutions

FEB’s Mission
“The Faculty of Economics and Business contributes to the holistic development of individuals and participates in the development of the economy and community at both the national and wider European levels through its synthesis of economics and business research and education.”
FEB’s Vision
“FEB will be recognized nationally and throughout the wider European Region as an excellent research-oriented and globally-connected school of economics and business.”

The Faculty of Organization and Informatics is one of the constituent units of the University of Zagreb. It is located in the northern part of Croatia, in the very heart of the beautiful city of Varaždin.
Established in 1962, the Faculty of Organization and Informatics is an institution that reaches back more than half a century, which is a comparably long tradition when modern technologies studies are concerned.
Over the decades, the Faculty has been providing education to future experts in the field of information sciences and technologies, economics, organization, communication and other related fields.

The Faculty of Geography, University of Belgrade, Serbia has developed dynamically throughout all its phases, with its share of ups and downs. The ups were related to the peacetime living and working circumstances and the downs to the wartime years. The Second World War was followed by staffing and financial consolidation of this institution which evidently led to rapid development of scientific geography in terms of theory, methodology, personnel and organisation, as well as in the application of its results in various areas of social practice. New departments were formed in undergraduate and postgraduate studies: Tourism, Spatial Planning, Demography and Environment.
The studies of geography have been continuously improved by studying new educational and scientific disciplines, using the most advanced methods in scientific research and teaching, as well as in terms of organization, personnel and all other possible ways.

Institute of Marketing at the Poznan University of Economics and Business has four departments: Department of Marketing Strategies, Department of Commerce and Marketing, Department of Market Research and Services Management and the Department of Product Marketing. The research interests of the Institute’s employees are concentrating on following areas: business marketing, non-profit organizations marketing, consumer behavior, consumption patterns, commerce strategies and structures, new product development, market research, marketing innovations and business relationships.
The Institute of Marketing has several laboratories that allow to conduct state of the art research. These are: The Consumer’s Research Laboratory, ShopLab, ConsumerLab. Apart from these, the Institute of Marketing has professional facilities to conduct Focus Group Interviews.

Faculty of Agriculture, Banat’s University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine ”King Michael I of Romania” in Timisoara has a tradition of over 40 years in the Romanian academic environment. Since its establishment in 1945 until today, the Faculty of Agriculture has established itself as a standard institution, which has developed progressively in line with the evolution of scientific knowledge and of society as a whole. Until 1989, the faculty functioned with the specialization Agriculture alone; the others were established later, in response to the needs of Romanian agriculture, as well as for the purpose of meeting the demands of the knowledge-based society.
Currently, the faculty functions with the following specializations: Agriculture, Plant Protection, Managing Machinery and Equipment for Agriculture and Food Industry, Biology, Environmental Engineering and Protection in Agriculture, Land measurements and cadastre, Machinery and Equipment for Agriculture and Food Industry.

Udekom Center for Knowledge Advancement Novi Sad (Udekom Center) is dedicated to fostering the growth and dissemination of knowledge in the social sciences, particularly in economics and management. Our mission is to organize high-quality conferences and events that promote scientific research, education, and the preservation of knowledge. We are committed to advancing innovation, supporting creative education, and preserving regional identity while integrating regional developments into global scientific and economic trends.
The ITEMA Conference is Organised by
Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans (Udekom Balkans) headquartered in Belgrade – Serbia is a non-governmental and non-profit association, founded in 2014 to support the development of scientific thought in the region, development of management and economics profession, as well as education of its members and the general public.
The objectives of the UdEkoM Balkans are:
1. The development of science and education in order to promote the economic development of the Balkans, the increase of the GDP and raising of living standards;
2. Preservation and development of the general fund of knowledge and overall scientific and professional personnel in the social sciences, especially in economics and management …